Late Marriage

Late Marriage is a 2001 Israeli film about a 31-year-old bachelor Georgian-Israeli Ph.D. student at Tel Aviv University whose family is trying to arrange a marriage for him, within the Georgian community. Unknown to them, he is secretly dating a 34-year-old divorcée, Judith (Ronit Elkabetz), who has a 6-year-old daughter. When his parents violently intervene, Zaza must choose between his family traditions or his love.(wikipedia)

Set in Isreal, Late Marriage, the first film from director Dover Koshashvili, follows the exploits of a displaced Georgian family as they attempt to arrange the marriage of their 31-year old son. What begins as a quirky comedy of errors, with Zaza (Lior Ashkenazi), its protagonist, placed in awkward situations due to his relatives’ insistence that he needs a wife posthaste, slowly becomes something more harrowing as the realization that more that just his own happiness is at stake grows unavoidable. The principles of the family are based on a dogma that lies somewhere between religious conviction, tradition, and pure stubbornness, and as a result, there’s apparently little room for them to budge, especially when the real reason for the son’s reluctance to marry is revealed. The father says, “We follow our head, not our heart,” but there are obviously emotional stakes to be considered here. As such, the film manages to tweak many sensitive issues during its running time, even if it’s hard to shake the feeling that such ado is excessive, considering the circumstances. (The Movie Martyr)